March to Save condemned Beau

“Beau has been ordered to die on or about Thursday 18th December 2014 ….and we are calling the decision and the process’s applied by the Kāpiti Coast District Council a gross injustice. Not just to Beau, but to Kāpiti as a community,” says spokesperson for a March organised for Tuesday 16 December.
$30,000 of Kāpiti ratepayer money was squandered as Beau was imprisoned in the Pound for 2 years….and now he must die because of a grievance between his owner and the council.
“We want to ask the Kāpiti Council why the usual procedures were not followed? Why did they not enforce a menacing classification or remove the dog and place it in a new responsible home? Why did they go to such lengths with ratepayers money to condemn Beau?
“We will engage Lawyers and seek an injunction if it is not to late, but that will target the courts. The reason we are asking you to march is to let KCDC hear loud and clear that their behaviour is not acceptable and won’t be tolerated.
“We will meet at 12pm this Tuesday the 16th Dec 2014, at the Western end of Kāpiti Pak n Save car park and we will march together to council…bring your loudest voices, your homemade signs and your best intentions.”

Animal welfare group HUHA have organised the march and more details can be seen at their facebook page