Liz Koh joins Kapiti Mayoral race

Mayoral race is on in Kapiti

Kāpiti Coast Councillor Liz Koh has announced she will be seeking election as Mayor of Kāpiti Coast
District Council in the 2025 election.

Kāpiti Mayoral candidate Liz Koh

Cr Koh says it is clear that strong leadership will be needed going forward to deal with the pressures and changes faced by local government.

“We have been through tough times,” says Cr Koh, “and rates affordability has been a key issue for our community. Setting rates at a level that is affordable for ratepayers while not jeopardising the future sustainability of core services is something that Council and the community need to work on together.”
Cr Koh says this means a greater level of engagement between Council and the community, so that
priorities for Council spending and investment can better reflect the current and future needs of our District. She says this is a challenge given our high rate of growth in Kāpiti.
Cr Koh says some progress has been made on this with the development of Council’s Top 10 Priorities and Vision Kāpiti, a project with substantial community input.
“Our challenge now is to find ways to improve understanding of Council’s finances so that informed choices can be made about how rates funding is allocated between competing priorities. Greater transparency is needed so that ratepayers can see clearly what rates are spent on and improved consultation on key strategies and plans is also vital.”
Cr Koh says it is time for a change in how we do things.
“We can do better by working with the community to make Kāpiti a prosperous, well-resourced and
affordable place to live.”

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