It’s a well known fact that people are living longer, but along with that comes a realisation that lifespan is not as important as healthspan. Quality of life and wellbeing are paramount.
To that end, a group of Kāpiti women have founded the Kāpiti Wellbeing Collective, a non-profit group whose aim is to bring together a range of providers based on the Kāpiti Coast so that residents and visitors to Kāpiti can easily find and plan blissful, rejuvenating and therapeutic experiences focussed on elevating and embedding practices and products for wellbeing in their lives.
The Kāpiti Wellbeing website (kapitiwellbeing.nz) is a directory of products and services ranging across fitness, massage, skin therapy, aroma therapy, yoga, wellbeing products, reiki healing, counselling, weight loss, financial wellbeing and much more.
Spokesperson Eloise Tzimas says, “the idea came about when three of us, myself, Deb Kinvig and Liz Koh met over coffee one day and realised we had a shared interest in community wellbeing.
“We talked about how we could make a real difference to people’s lives by pulling information together to create a single source of information and to raise awareness of the huge range of wellbeing services and products available on the Kāpiti Coast.”
Eliose says many visitors come to Kāpiti to enjoy our beautiful natural environment and to restore their wellbeing.
“So we are building on that with the aim of making Kāpiti a destination for wellbeing services. After all, why travel to Bali or Byron Bay when so much is available right here on the Coast.”
As well as the website, the Collective has set up a Facebook group for Kāpiti Wellbeing and is planning to run a wellbeing event in April next year.
Website: www.kapitiwellbeing.nz