Kapiti Mayoral Musings

The Care Facility at Seven Oaks was marked with a blessing of the new state-of-the art building.
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Kāpiti Mayor Janet Holborow reflects on the week that was…

The start of the year has already seen some major milestones with community projects across the district.
The Reikorangi Community Hall upgrade, Te Horo Hall restoration and the new Care Facility at Seven Oaks are three examples of projects that wouldn’t happen without the dedication and determination of people in the community.
The most recent milestone was celebrated on Monday as the completion of the building structure of the Care Facility at Seven Oaks was marked with a blessing of the new state-of-the art building.

Kāpiti Mayor Janet Holborow

Koro Don Te Maipi led a group around the building to bless the space, supported by Karl Webber, Aaron Cronin and Rongo Ngāta. The official opening will follow in March once the building is fitted out and ready for operation.
The facility features small apartment style spaces for older people who have mobility or other issues which mean they need extra support. The apartments feature a small lounge, kitchenette and en-suite bathroom.
There are large, spacious communal spaces and dining area, and Wright and Gray architects have ensured the space is light, airy and spacious within the tight footprint.
Crowe Construction have been lead contractors (as they are for many important local projects) and as usual are ensuring every detail is finished perfectly.
A new garden for the dementia unit is also being created, which will feature edible gardens and pathways.
This facility fills a gap in the provision of facilities for older people in the district, and the Kāpiti Retirement Trust has worked hard to lead and deliver this project.
The Trust is just one of a number of similar groups who put their hands up to provide facilities for the community. At the recent Te Horo Hall re-opening we heard about the incredible contribution of the committee and the community to save their local hall, and in January the Reikorangi Community Hall enjoyed a similar celebration.
A number of other groups are hard at work in the community on projects and facilities. A group of locals and surf club members are fundraising and delivering the Paekākāriki Surf Club which is currently under construction, and also in Paekākāriki the Community Trust is responsible for the renovation and ongoing maintenance of St Peter’s Hall.
Previous major projects which have been possible because of community volunteers include the Ocean Road Community Centre, Toi Mahara and Te Raukura ki Kāpiti, and before that the Aquatic Centre.
So hats off too all of the people who make these projects happen. From cake stalls to project management plans, the work that goes in is enormous and the district is all the more vibrant because of your contributions.”