On the Green at Waikanae Bowling Club

Waikanae Bowling Club season in full swing
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By Rob Burrows

Women’s Handicap Singles

The draw is up on the noticeboard in the lobby and on the website. This will be a knockout draw with players arranging their own games and markers.  Scorecards are available in the Lobby, as is a list of those members willing to act as markers.  Please record results on the draw and return completed cards to the box in the lobby.  The closing dates for each round to be played are displayed on the draw.  Any game uncompleted by the due date for that round will be decided by the toss of a coin.  The games to be played at the Te Moana site.

Any Combination Graded Triples

The second and final day was played last Friday.  The runaway winners were the team of Heather Holme(S), Melva Rapson and Carole Clout were the runaway winners with five wins out of 5.  There were 3 teams with 3 wins each, all separated by only one end.

Junior Women’s Championship Singles

This championship took place over the weekend and with only 4 entries was played as a round robin.  This resulted in two players with 2 wins each, necessitating a playoff.  The outcome was a win for Bobbie Meyer over Carole Clout.  Congratulations Bobbie.

Men’s Championship Singles – 8/9 February

The entry forms are out on in the lobby and on the website.  Entries will close at 4.00pm on Wednesday, 5th February.  Play will be on the weekend of 8th and 9th February at the Beach site unless there are more than 16 entries when it will have to be played at the Waikanae site.

Godfrey Bowen 11/12 February and Men’s Pennants 18 February

Teams for the Godfrey Bowen and Men’s Pennants on 18th February (last round of season) are now in the foyer and on the website.

Charles Fleming Tournament – 16 February

Entry Sheet and Information are on Club Notice Board and the website.

Junior Men’s Championship Singles – 1/2 March

Entry forms will be out in the lobby and on the website by this Wednesday, 5 February.  Entries will close at 4.00pm on Wednesday, 26 February.  Play will be on the weekend of 1-2 March at the Waikanae site.

Taranaki Fours

Robyn Wilkinson, Cheryl Henshilwood, Fane Vessey and Carol Rolton qualified in the 2025 Taranaki Fours …winning four games in the process. They lost their game in post section narrowly……fantastic effort…well done team.

From the Law Book: The Start of Play (Laws 5.2 and 5.3)

  • Before the start of a game teams must toss a coin, with the winner of the toss deciding whether to take the mat or give it to the opposition. (Tip: if the toss is for an extra end it may be an advantage to give the mat away so as to end up having the last bowl of the end.)
  • The start of play in a game is the delivery of the jack. (Tip: in a timed game it helps if the lead who is to deliver the jack places the mat and prepares to deliver the jack whilst waiting for the bell.  This can be important in a timed game where the number of ends played may be significant.)
  • The start of play in an end is the delivery of the jack. (Tip 1: leads, carry the mat onto the rink while bowls are being cleared off the head.  This speeds up the game as it avoids the need to go back to the bank to pick up the mat.  Tip 2: there is no requirement to clear the bowls off the head before placing the mat and delivering the jack.  The winning Lead can do this while the other players deal with the bowls.  This can be important in a timed game where the number of ends played may be significant.)

“Pick the Joker”

Eventually the Joker is going to be picked but it hasn’t happened yet.  Join us all for Friday drinks from 4.00 pm and be in to win.

And, finally:

If you eat well and get lots of sleep, and do exercise, and drink lots of water – you’ll die anyway!  Open the wine.