Otaki Projects underway

Kapiti Council work underway in Otaki
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Kāpiti Council projects in Ōtaki are kicking off for the new year, with work on the wastewater upgrade getting underway again.

In January the crew will lay pipes to connect homes to a new water main, with minimal impact expected for road users.

Then in early February the team will ramp up work on the sewer main along Mill Road and Aotaki Street.

Also this month, Council will finish installing the fire loop main – a water source for firefighting. This work will cross the roundabout on the old highway and extend a short way along Rahui Road, with completion expected by the end of January.

The wastewater upgrade is on track to wrap up by the end of the year, making Ōtaki more resilient and ready for the future. To find out more about these projects, visit www.kapiticoast.govt.nz/otakiBlueprint