Horowhenua District Council has decided to keep its Horowhenua (Māori) Ward.
At Wednesday’s Council meeting iwi and hapū representatives spoke in favour of retaining the ward, backed by waiata.
In 2021 councillors voted unanimously to establish a Horowhenua (Māori) Ward, with significant community support. Councillors Nina Hori Te Pa and Justin Tamihana were elected to represent the ward in elections the following year.
Mayor Bernie Wanden described today’s 11-2 vote as a milestone in Council’s history. He said it was a proud day when Council voted to establish a Māori ward, and the two councillors had brought value and perspective to the council table.
A recent law change requires councils with Māori wards not established by a poll of voters to either dissolve them or hold a binding poll about their future. Now the council has voted not to dissolve the Horowhenua (Māori) Ward a referendum must be held as part of the 2025 election, giving ratepayers the final decision on the ward’s future.
Last month Council held an online survey asking the community if they thought the Horowhenua (Māori) Ward should be kept. Of 513 responses, 77.2% were in favour of keeping the ward and 22.8% against.
Horowhenua joins other councils in the region in voting to retain their Māori wards, including Horizons, Palmerston North, Kāpiti, Porirua and Greater Wellington Regional Council.