Kāpiti Women’s Centre are holding their annual Street Appeal on Friday 26th July around Kāpiti and if you get the chance to support them please do. Volunteers will be stationed throughout the district and all donations will help the cause.

KWC is a warm, friendly, safe and caring environment for women to come and enjoy. KWC provides a range of services either free or at very low cost. KWC prides itself on the supportive and confidential service they provide for the women on the Kāpiti Coast.
If you missed the opportunity today donations can be made by direct payment to:
Account name: Kāpiti Women’s health Collective Inc
Account number 03 0732 0160528 00
About KWC – The Centre is open five days a week, from 9.00am to 3.00pm Monday to Friday. The Centre Manager is responsible for the day to day operation of the Centre supported by two Administrators, one who works Monday, Wednesday to Friday, and a Course Co-ordinator who works Monday to Wednesday.
A wide range of services are offered at KWC and are provided by a team of dedicated and caring volunteer Centre Workers who take part in a comprehensive training programme to prepare them for this role.
The Centre also provides the Women’s Refuge service in Kāpiti and along with that there is a Refuge Co-ordinator and three advocates, one is full time and two are part time. The Women’s Refuge also has a dedicated team of volunteers that help with the crisis line and the day to day running of the service here.
The counselling service is provided by a group of committed, compassionate women who volunteer their time to this service. Other members of the collective include the crèche workers, HUB who oversee the direction of the Centre and a myriad of supporters who care about women in our community and wish to contribute their skills to make a difference to the women on the Kāpiti Coast.
As part of their commitment to being a member of the collective at KWC, women take part in on-going training, regular meetings, courses and hui. Membership of the collective is open to all women of the Kāpiti community.
For more see: https://kapitiwomenscentre.org.nz/