The New Zealand Breast Cancer foundation believes that one day, no one will die of breast cancer, and a big part of that ambition relates to research, education, and support programs.
The past weekend saw hundreds of Volunteers out collecting to gather the funds necessary to make these essential programs happen.
Pictured above are four Kāpiti Volunteers who received a steady stream of support from shoppers at the New World store in Waikanae.
The foundation says breast cancer will probably still exist, but we’ll catch it early, and treat it better to prevent it from spreading (breast cancer rarely kills unless it spreads beyond the breast). And if it does spread, we’ll have treatments and support to keep people alive for a very long time – just as now happens with HIV, diabetes and several other conditions that used to be a death sentence but which are now manageable over the long term.
“Our job is to do all we can to bring that day forward. That’s where we need your help. Thanks to your generous donations, we are aggressively pushing for new frontiers in early detection, treatment and support. However you’re involved – hosting an event, attending a fundraiser, donating your time, money, or resources – you’re helping get one step closer to zero deaths from breast cancer.”
Many thanks to all the Volunteers for helping to make this happen.
For more information see: https://www.breastcancerfoundation.org.nz/