One of the outcomes of the Kāpiti Public Health Meetings held recently was ‘Kāpiti seeks a better process for managing the quality of Home Care in the district.’
The reason for this proposal was that Kāpiti organisations servicing the needs of seniors, such as Grey Power, Age Concern, and Citizen’s Advice, have over recent years received requests to help with problems individuals have had with the delivery of their agreed Home Care arrangements. Of particular concern are incidents of failure of deliverers to front up for arranged visits, often without explanation.
The Chairman of the Health Action Kāpiti group formed from the health meetings to pursue the objectives, Roger Booth, explained that they are gathering feedback from those in the Kāpiti district who have currently or recently had Home Care delivery.
‘We know, but need to confirm, that the bulk of the delivery is provided efficiently. But we also want the facts on situations that are less satisfactory. We have initially received feedback from Grey Power members, but need a wider cross-section of feedback. For a balanced survey we need responses both from those who have had satisfactory Home Care and from those who have had unsatisfactory experiences.’
Satisfactory Delivery
If the delivery you are linked with has been satisfactory, send by email to [email protected] or post to KCGP, PO Box 479, Kāpiti, a note that is headed – SATISFACTORY HOME CARE, and gives the name of the person receiving home care, the type of care, and the organisation providing it. No more details are needed.
Unsatisfactory Delivery
If the delivery you are linked with has been unsatisfactory, send by email to [email protected] or post to KCGP, PO Box 479, Kāpiti, a note that is headed – UNSATISFACTORY HOME CARE, and gives your name, email and address. HAK will send you a form to fill in and return.
In both cases your privacy will be respected.
Other HAK Objectives
There has been progress in the pursuit of two other objectives set at the meetings.
One was to pursue local hopes that Kāpiti’s new health structure locality will have the current Kāpiti Coast borders. Initially there have been 14 ‘pilot localities’.
HAK, after requesting that ‘the current Kāpiti becomes a locality’, pointed out to Ōtaki MP and cabinet minister Barbara Edmonds that it was ‘a very odd situation for the currently formed localities, including Ōtaki and Horowhenua, to have no specified borders. How does that work?’
The latest information is that 22 more localities will be identified by the end of June. However there is still no idea if Kāpiti is to be included, or if the locality borders will come with this package.
Health Hubs
The prospective opening of the Kāpiti Day Surgery Facility in Te Roto Drive at the beginning of next month is an exciting example of exactly the sort of health hub that we need in Kāpiti.
The reconstructed facility in Te Roto Drive will have the consulting and recovery rooms and the equipment to cater for cataract eye surgery and endoscopy. Like in Bowen and Wakefield Hospital in Wellington, this delivery will provide for both private and government funded operations from the same surgeons. The facility has been privately funded, and by next year those responsible will be looking at the possibility of also providing for gynaecological surgery. It is hoped that this hub and others that may be set up in the near future will mean that many of the current journeys to either Wellington or Palmerston North for specialist surgery may no longer be necessary.