Mary Potter needs our help

Pictured from left to right are: William Collett - Store Manager New World Kapiti (Principal Sponsor), Billy Fitzpatrick - Fix-It-Fitzy (Major Sponsor), Andrea Corrigan - Love Live Kapiti Real Estate (Page Sponsor), Dawn Macpherson - Community Manager at Mary Potter Hospice Kāpiti and Murray Short - calendar organiser.
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The Mary Potter Hospice Street Appeal is on today and this Saturday.

On any given day, the hospice services touch the lives of over 250 husbands and wives, sons and daughters, sisters and brothers, whānau, friends, neighbours and colleagues.

This year Mary Potter Hospice needs to fundraise more than $7 million to keep their essential services free of charge. They depend on our community as only 49% of the funding they need comes from Government.

Please support Mary Potter Hospice and donate when you see the amazing volunteer collectors on the streets of Wellington, Porirua and Kāpiti (EFTPOS is available!) or donate online today: Thanks for your support!

Kāpiti Calendar stars for Mary Potter

A Hospice spokesperson says this year’s Kāpiti Sunsets Charity Calendar raised an incredible $12,800 for Mary Potter Hospice – thank you so much to all those involved and to those who purchased a calendar – what an amazing effort! We are so grateful.
“Since the launch of the Kāpiti Sunsets Calendar in 2021, over $34,800 has been raised for the Hospice. A heartfelt thanks to Murray and all those who are involved in making this happen.”

Ro Ryan collecting for Mary Potter Hospice in Waikanae
A couple of keen Kāpiti collectors – John and Sue Scutter