The Kāpiti Coast District Council has confirmed that it will re-open it’s Waikanae Library from Monday 1 August but the Waikanae Service Centre will remain closed for another week due to staff illness.
Interim Chief Executive Gary Simpson acknowledged that the prolonged closure of the Waikanae Service Centre was not ideal and encouraged residents to visit the Council’s primary service desk in Paraparaumu or Ōtaki Service Centre if they’re unable to access the information or support they need or make a payment online.
“We are continuing to do the best we can with the resources we have available. We are very aware that some of our Waikanae customers prefer to engage with our customer service team in person but this simply isn’t possible right now. We are hopeful, subject to staff availability that we will be able to re-open the Waikanae Service Centre from Monday 8 August.
“Waikanae residents who are unable to register their dogs online or visit our service desk in Paraparaumu or Ōtaki Service Centre before the dog registration due date won’t incur late penalties for another week due the service disruption.”
Mr Simpson said a combination of staff illness, leave and high call volumes was continuing to impact the Council’s ability to answer calls.
“We’re asking customers with non-urgent queries or requests for service to contact us via email at kapiti.council@kapiticoast.govt.nz or our website, kapiticoast.govt.nz, or Antenno app. This will help ensure people requiring urgent Council assistance can access the support they need.”