WanderSearch is a tool for any person living with a cognitive impairment (for example a brain injury or dementia) who has a risk of going missing and where other technologies are not suitable.
The WanderSearch system provides at-risk people with a small device that can be found by Police and trained volunteers using specialised equipment, providing peace of mind that should they go missing there are methods to assist in locating them quickly
This means that people can still go out and enjoy going for a walk while staying safe.
WanderSearch is useful for any person with a cognitive impairment (such as Alzheimer’s, dementia, autism, brain injury and Down Syndrome) who has a risk of going missing and where other technologies are not suitable. The Safer Walking Framework is about supporting, educating and reducing the risk of people with cognitive impairment going missing.
For more see: www.wandersearchnz.org.nz