Kāpiti Council says throughout their planning for the Annual Plan 2022/23 they have kept the impact of decisions on rates at the forefront.
“For 2022/23 we are proposing an average rates increase of 7.5 percent, which is 0.5 percent lower than what was projected for year two of our Long-Term Plan.
“While the proposed average rates increase across the district for 2022/23 is 7.5 percent – around $4.67 per week per ratepayer – the actual increase will be different for different properties even in the same area. This is because property rates are calculated using a combination of fixed charges, land value and capital value. To see the rates impact for your property see: http://eservices.kapiticoast.govt.nz/rates/properties/search
Help with paying your rates
“We know some of our community have financial constraints. We have a rates remission policy for homeowners facing extreme hardship may get a reduction in their rates, or we can look at postponing payments. There is also a government rates rebate scheme for low-income homeowners.”
See which of the options might apply to you from the link below.
For more see: https://www.kapiticoast.govt.nz/services/a-z-council-services-and-facilities/rates/paying-your-rates/help-with-your-rates/