The Web Genius Kāpiti Run for Youth takes place annually to raise funds and fitness for Kāpiti youth while having fun strolling or running along the beautiful Kāpiti coastline.
Web Genius founder Richard Calkin says they have have developed a Covid plan to continue to operate Kāpiti Run for Youth (KR4Y) at the Red/Whero traffic light under the NZ Covid-19 Protection Framework.
“If we stagger start times based on groups and individuals of maximum 100 with every participant showing their vaccine pass for scanning on arrival, along with masks being worn at registration and 1m social distancing, we believe we can safely manage the situation. Once participants hit the beach, their mask can be removed.”
Campaign Manager, Helene Judge, says, “we are required to keep good records and ask all participants, sponsors and crew to scan in on arrival and use the sanitiser provided. For those that can’t scan in we will have manual sign-in available and an electronic record of all pre-booked registrations.
Steve Jandrell, Web Genius CEO, says if Covid prevents them from operating, the event could take place Virtually, as happened in 2020, or postpone to either Sunday 10 April or Sunday 24 April 2022.
“We will keep you informed along the way of any changing circumstances, and rest assured the team here at Web Genius are working hard behind the scenes with Helene to create a fun event in whatever shape or form it needs to take which will become clearer as we get closer to 27 March. In mid-March we will make a call if we need to go Virtual or postpone.”
For online Individual and Group registration – it’s quick, easy and free to register, head over to the website https://www.kapitirunforyouth.co.nz/register-
When registering you will choose a Fundraising Partner – Partners for 2022 are: Challenge for Change Kāpiti, Kāpiti Basketball Association, Kāpiti College, Kāpiti Kindness Trust, Kāpiti Youth Support, No 49 Squadron Air Cadets Kāpiti, Ōtaki College, Paraparaumu College, The Shed Project Kāpiti, Whirlwind Kāpiti, Work Ready Kāpiti and ZEAL Kāpiti. All funds raised are split 70% to the official Fundraising Partner chosen by the participant at the time of registration and 30% is retained towards running and promotion of the event.
“The 2022 Business Sponsorship campaign will open next week with local businesses being given the opportunity to support the underlying work of this event and youth of Kāpiti,” says Helene. Sponsorship categories are, Platinum $1,000+, Gold $500, Silver $250 or Bronze $125. In 2021 we were hugely grateful to 71 local business sponsors to the value of $18,000.”