The humble loo roll holder was transformed into art and then into cash with the Kāpiti Community Foodbank benefiting from the work of Peter Jackson Plumbing’s artisans.
The Loo Roll Holder artworks were auctioned off and bidding was brisk, eventually raising $3518.83 which has been presented to the Kāpiti Community Foodbank.
Sonya Jackson says they are very grateful to all those who bid during the auction and to those who made donations and supported the event, especially the creators of these artworks.
“It started out as a competition for our team to use bits of scrap copper, brass, mixers, isolating valves and any other bits lying around that could be used.
“The challenge was for them to design and make a toilet roll holder and it just took off from there. The end result was the auctioning off of the 10 pieces of art which also have a practical purpose,” says Sonya.
“For us it is about giving back to the community and this seemed like an interesting way to fundraise for a great cause and we got to see the incredible job that the food bank does for our community,” says Sonya.
Peter Jackson Plumbing have held fundraiser events for Youth Quest, the Kāpiti Youth Service KYS, and Run for Youth as well as the Kāpiti Foodbank.
Kāpiti Community Foodbank chair Dave Edwards says the funding is very welcome and will go towards the new foodbank building.
“This is further evidence of how much the community values the foodbank and an this was an ingenious way of fundraising.”
Mr Edwards says the foodbank is under a lot of pressure already this year.
“There is huge demand. The impact of covid, the extra spending at Christmas, there are a lot of people struggling out there and the foodbank is often the last port of call. We are trying to remain positive and community support is vital and appreciated,” says Mr Edwards.
It is hoped the Council will make available materials from the condemned Kāpiti Community Centre which will greatly assist the new foodbank construction with some of the necessary building supplies.