Kāpiti resident Joe Pryor is missing. He left his work at 8:00am Friday morning after leaving a note saying he would be back by 10:30am. He walked from Metco Engineering at 9 Omahi Street, Waikanae and walked along Omahi Street towards Ngaio Road.
The latest information says Mr Pryor was spotted (by a customer of his) across the railway track outside the St Lukes church on Elizabeth St walking away from the tracks. Time was between between 8.15 and 8.20am on Friday 26/11/2021.The guy who recognised him had Mr Pryor do a couple of jobs for him recently so definitely knew it was him.
Mr Pryor was wearing an orange and white bucket hat and still in the blue overalls. TravelMarvel backpack on his back.
HOW TO HELP: Please go and see Mary Barclay at Mr Pryor’s workshop (Metco Engineering 2/9 Omahi St) to be directed where to search. Mr Pryor’s daughter Shannon has created an online Facebook base for the search for her Dad. Search party base is 35A Elizabeth St, if you are available to help.
Any help or suggestions would be gratefully received. Please direct any calls or messages to Shannon on 0278487996. Police Event Number is P048754471.