As part of the regular training for their specialist teams, Police will be undertaking a training exercise in Kāpiti on Friday 8 October.
The exercise will take place in Queen Elizabeth II Park between 9am and 3pm.
A Police spokesperson says the Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF) will be supporting the training exercise with an NH90 helicopter.
“Our specialist teams undertake this type of tactical training regularly at various locations around New Zealand. During the training exercise, there will be a visible police presence in the area of Queen Elizabeth II Park, including staff carrying firearms.”
Members of the public in the area will also hear noise from the helicopter.
“Police would like to reassure the public that there is no cause for alarm. Police are grateful to the Park Ranger and RNZAF for their support and assistance. We would also like to acknowledge that these types of training exercises could not happen without the support of our local communities, and we thank them for their assistance and cooperation.”