Rates rebates applications close soon

Horowhenua Rates Rebates applications close soon

Horowhenua ratepayers who have yet to apply for a rates rebate for the 2019-2020 rating year are encouraged to do so before applications close on 30 June 2020.
Ratepayers with a household income up to $25,660 may be eligible for a rates rebate up to $640.
Finance Manager Jeff Paulin says those earning above $25,660 may still qualify for a rebate, depending on income, level of rates and number of dependents.
“The process is not complicated and we encourage residents to take advantage of the scheme,” he says.
“The only information applicants need to provide is proof of income (before tax) for the tax year ended 31 March 2019, including any interest received, as well as proof of a partner’s income or joint income if living together.”
The rebate is based on total income for the year ending 31 March 2019 and the amount of rates for both Horowhenua District Council and Horizons Regional Council.
Mr Paulin says Council staff members are happy to meet with ratepayers to help them assess their eligibility and complete an application. No appointment is necessary.

Application forms are available from: Horowhenua District Council’s main office in Levin, as well as Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom in Foxton and Shannon Library, or online from the Getting a Rates Rebate page of the NZ Government website.

Further information can be found on the Rates Rebates page of Council’s website, or on the Getting a Rates Rebate page of the NZ Government website. Alternatively, people can contact Council on 06 366 0999 or email ratesrebates@horowhenua.govt.nz.