Kāpiti Chamber of Commerce is staging a BA5 hosted by Rutherford & Bond Toyota.
Wednesday 26 September, 5.30 to 7.00pm
11 Ihakara Street, Paraparaumu
Members Free – Non members $20
Note to Members: Use a guest card and bring a colleague or friend for free.
You are invited to attend the upcoming BA5 being hosted by the team at Rutherford & Bond Toyota. Come along to be connected and engaged with other local business owners and to hear from the Host who will present their business to those in attendance.
There will be drinks and nibbles and a chance to look around the Showroom and Service Department. We look forward to seeing you all there on the night make a note to be at this BA5 so you can meet the team.
To Book for the BA5: https://kapitichamber.org.nz/networking/event-calendar/ba5-rutherford-and-bond-toyota-26-09-18/details/132/register