Waikanae Board calls for Peka Peka full Interchange

The Waikanae Community Board reports there is a growing groundswell of support for a full interchange of the Kāpiti Expressway at Peka Peka.

“Now that the rubber has hit the road you will now notice that you can’t get onto the Expressway from Peka Peka Road or get off the
Expressway going north to go to Peka Peka.

“This is not the interim plan, but the way it will be once the Expressway is continued from Peka Peka to Ōtaki (PP2O). Under the current PP2O design and construction project there is NO budget or contract to build a full interchange at Peka Peka.

“Many in the community are not aware of this and it has significant implications for everyone.”

However the Board says all is not lost.

“With the groundswell of renewed calls for make the Peka Peka Interchange a full interchange, the Chair of the Waikanae Community Board Chair, Jocelyn Prvanov has taken this matter up with local MP Nathan Guy and KCDC. It is very encouraging that Mr Guy is very willing to revisit a full interchange. There is provision on the ground to build a full interchange so its technically very feasible. KCDC is now seeing the benefits of a full interchange which is also very positive. The Ōtaki Councillor, and the Ōtaki Community Board Chair and Deputy Chair also support this initiative.”

As some of the focus now moves to PP2O it has been very encouraging to see the decision to now include a Cycleway, Walkway & Bridleway in the PP2O works. The Waikanae Community Board fully supports this.

“We only have a short time frame as the PP2O team are currently in the design phase and so we need to rally together and tell NZTA, Nathan Guy and Simon Bridges and our council now why we need a full interchange at Peka Peka.

“Therefore, the more people who express their view the greater chance we have of securing a full interchange at Peka Peka. The following are the key people to email about a full interchange and why you support this,” say the Waikanae Community Board.

Nathan Guy MP for Ōtaki NathanGuy.Kā[email protected]

Simon Bridges Minister of Transport [email protected]

Fergus Gammie CEO at NZTA [email protected]

Mayor K Gurunathan at KCDC [email protected]

Pat Dougherty CEO at KCDC [email protected]

You can also post comments to NZTA’s page https://www.facebook.com/nztawgtn/?hc_ref=SEARCH&fref=nf

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