KCDC has approved bringing the Kāpiti i-SITE service in-house, making it now a Council-managed service.
Council’s Group Manager Strategy and Planning Stephen McArthur says the move ensures an effective and high-quality service for visitors to the Kāpiti i-SITE.
“We want an i-SITE that provides a vibrant, professional service and outstanding experiences for Kāpiti residents and for visitors to our district.”
To find the best fit for Kāpiti, the Council did a service delivery model review comparing internal and out-sourced models, tested the market by calling for expressions of interest and undertook a sizing and scoping exercise on internalising the service, including seeking advice from i-SITE New Zealand.
Bringing the service in-house takes on board community input received through the Annual Plan 2016/17 process and aligns with Council’s Visitor Attraction Plan 2016-18, which is part of the district’s Economic Development Strategy.
Once leasing arrangements have been confirmed, the Kāpiti i-SITE service will be moved from its current location on Rimu Rd to a new more prominent site within the Coastlands Shopping Centre.
This location is expected to be announced later this year.