Electra Business Breakfast Kāpiti
Revenue Generation by Laurel McLay
More walk less talk (getting out there) with more heart less hype (great connections face to face) and more care, less crap (keeping in touch nicely!).
Wednesday 6 April 2016 from 7.15am to 8.45am
Southward Car Museum
$25 (incl GST) per person
This session will be a real mix of selling as a business owner and crafting your own revenue generation campaign. This is a must attend for SMEs, larger businesses and their teams.
Laurel is a thought leader renowned for her breakthrough work in helping people who work in professional services with their revenue generation strategies, specifically by illuminating brilliance, eliminating blocks and supporting them to craft their own strategy based on their own sales style, personality, expertise, industry and chosen market.
She also helps leaders to influence, convince and persuade authentically and powerfully, by exploring and discovering their own uniqueness, style and thought leadership