Kāpiti Coast has never had a strong focused,coordinated, managed visual identity.
We have now created another new marketing brand and logo.
Until the council identifies who and what they are and are community driven they will continue to waste ratepayers’ money paying chosen consultants to produce trinkets to add to their stable of visual confusion.
the new “K” logo is uncoordinated, unbalanced and visually unpleasing to the eye.
It does not reflect visually the purpose for which it was designed as it communicates mixed messages and has to be verbally explained.
Throughout the process it appears too many with too little knowledge have too much influence, a major reason for poor decisions on visual issues; public art is hidden from view and competing messages continue to be created.
Until KCDC has a focused, strong and well-debated arts policy which includes and overall management structure and responsibility, they will continue to satisfy individual egos spending ratepayers’ money creating unrelated and uncoordinated visual confusion that lacks a good marketing result.
Trevor Wright
Waikanae Beach