For many people the Fat lady hasn’t sung on the proposed Kāpiti Expressway.
Many groups opposing the positioning of the expressway route hope that the coming BOI (board of inquiry) into the matter will prove that a better solution exists. The group “Save Kāpiti” has made a submission, which includes evidence from urban planners, traffic engineers and many other experts looking at the social impacts through to economic benefit arguments. The cost of these experts and reports on things such as traffic modeling etc. costs tens of thousands. Save Kāpiti have raised seventy five percent of the money required over the last couple of years and received some funding for their case but there is still a shortfall. To help cover this shortfall, local musicians and artists have banned together for a one-night concert of music and art auctions.
The evening’s entertainment will feature a performance by local band Groove Assembly whose founding member and original bass player was the late Leon Kiel. Leon was a regional award-winning environmentalist and played a big role in the design and development of the original Western Link road, which was scrapped when the land set aside for it was claimed for the proposed expressway. Also performing will be Matiu Te Huki and my golden soul, The Intenders and Skapiti.
Frontman and singer for “The Intenders”, Bos O’Sullivan who also made a film about the expressway issue and said “one thing that stands out in this debate is the fact that ninety nine percent of people all want the same resultto solve the existing traffic congestion, the real argument is how to best do this and anyone who sees all the real facts and figures soon realizes that this proposed idea isn’t the best result for Kāpiti, the expressway would reduce travel time for traffic whilst causing more congestion on internal local roads, the whole process has been a shameful manipulation of a community to get a big motorway down the easiest route. The state Highway where it is should be up graded.”
The Expressway issue has been controversial from the start when the incoming National party scrapped the two-lane western link road to make way for the expressway. Resistance to the decision saw an all day concert held, a collaborative CD released and a movie made, with many crying foul over the tactics used. At the time of the Expressway announcement the two lane western link road was Wellington Regional Councils number one roading priority.
One of the groups opposed to the proposed Expressway route is Save Kāpiti. Their spokesman Jonathan Gradwell said “Save Kāpiti’s opposition to the proposal at the upcoming Board of Inquiry, stems from the deep disquiet many Kāpiti people have about accepting a second rate, inappropriate and rushed project at the expense of our community. The group will be bringing professional advice to the upcoming hearings, that the proposal will in fact constrict future growth and connections by putting a second absolute barrier through our urban areas…. and that NZTA had originally dismissed this option for those very same reasons. Many don’t realise that seventy precent of traffic at the Waikanae bridge is local traffic (from NZTA application), ..We have other workable solutions at hand which would help separate local and national traffic…in such a way that we have a win-win for all concerned.”
Co- Organiser Paul Bognuda said ” I’ve had a lot of people say, hell Boggy just let them get on with it, it’s a done deal and I must admit I haven’t been as active as I was at the start. But these save Kāpiti crew have given up hours and hours of their life for no financial reward to try and secure a better roading result for our area and they are fighting people in central government who are well paid and they have run a slick and I must say, well orchestrated PR campaign to wrestle the two lane western link from us, if they hadn’t we would have the bridge over the river built by now, for those reasons and my massive respect for Leon Kiel I’m gonna keep on supporting. This gig is also a thank you to those who have worked so hard, time for some fun d raising”
Lindale Auditorium, Sat Oct 27th. Doors open 6pm . Show starts 7.30 $20 or $25 with CD.