Month: April 2011

Whareoa Farm open for visitors
The Count down is on to the grand opening on Saturday 30th April (rain or shine)at 9.15am for a full welcome and ceremony.Parking is available […]

Raumati Pool re-opening delayed
The re-opening of Raumati Swimming Pool has been delayed for approximately two weeks, Leisure & Open Space Asset Manager, Lex Bartlett said today.“In order to […]

Better access to health services in the Greater Wellington Region.
If you or someone in your family is ill and needs surgery the last thing you want to be worrying about is whether or not […]

Wardens exemplify manaakitanga
Recent events have reminded me of the ongoing and valuable contribution our elders are making in communities and within our whanau throughout the country. In […]

Keith’s long road
Through Halfaya Pass in North Africa to ‘La Strada’ in Italy, Lance Corporal Keith Watson drove for the length of the New Zealand campaign during […]

Another example of Expressway arrogance
The recent experience of renowned writer Patricia Grace is just the latest example of arrogance by the Government and its plan to carve up communities […]

Another example of Expressway arrogance
The recent experience of renowned writer Patricia Grace is just the latest example of arrogance by the Government and its plan to carve up communities […]

Visitor Numbers continue to grow in Kāpiti and Horowhenua
Guest Nights on the Kāpiti Coast and Horowhenua were up in January by 22.9% according to the latest Commercial Accommodation Monitor released yesterday.There were 6,758 […]