Dear Editor
As one of the organisers of the dog walk on the beach on 19th September, I suggest that Mr K Bolton ‘lighten up’ as there are much more serious issues confronting us in Kāpiti to be “dismayed about”. This was a fun affair attended by 35 dogs plus fifty of their humans, to celebrate the willingness of Mayor Jenny Rowan and the existing council to listen to, and act on concerns of the community.
In acknowledgement of their successful campaign members of the K-DOG group were invited to an initial planning meeting, and we took on board their advice. They were also invited on their website to take part in the event.
I was one of those walking on the beach who was approached by Mr Bolton who did not identify himself as a member of K-DOG. I picked him as an opponent of the Mayor Jenny Rowan and chose not engage with him. Mr Bolton makes inaccurate assumptions about the few non-residents attending. For example, my friend who has her dog registered in Wellington, also owns property in Kāpiti and is therefore eligible to vote in the Local Government elections.
On a more serious note I want to congratulate Mayor Jenny Rowan and the existing council for addressing some of the big infrastructural issues, for example the innovative solution to continuing our access to good quality water. I also support the council joining the Alliance as a pragmatic response to NZTA’s planned expressway; it is better to know what is going on that to be on the outside. This expressway is not necessarily the done deal that NZTA suggests, and joining the Alliance in no way suggests Council support for this proposal that would significantly degrade our communities. I hope that going into the election, voters will take account of the serious issues facing us in the Kāpiti region, and vote accordingly.
Dr Lesley MacGibbon