Steady crowds greet Waikanae arts and crafts exhibition

The Annual Exhibition of the Waikanae Arts and Crafts Society was held in the Society’s Elizabeth Street rooms over the weekend of 21st and 22nd August.

During the weekend a steady stream of people viewed the display of articles created over the past 12 months from the eight different craft groups of the Society and sales of those pieces offered for purchase went well.

Two Guest Artists from Waikanae, Susie Mills glassmaker, and Diane Connal jeweller, presented a display of samples of their work. Two large pieces of Susie’s glassware and Diane’s framed tribute to friends who helped her through the journey of chemotherapy (which included letters and jewellery pieces) attracted a great deal of interest.

Funds sourced from commission of the sale of work and the proceeds of a raffle will go towards the upkeep of the Society’s Rooms and cover the costs involved in holding an exhibition.

The Exhibition followed two weeks of mini exhibitions from members of the Waikanae Arts and Crafts at the Waikanae Library during their Arty August programme. It is hoped that several new members will be gained from interest shown during the Exhibition and the Library displays.