Trust celebrates Turf anniversary

Kāpiti Community Recreational Turf Trust recently celebrated the first anniversary of the Turf facility at Mazengarb Reserve.
New Trust chair, Roger Sowry, says since its opening a year ago the Turf has proved to be a valuable asset to players of many different codes including hockey, soccer and touch.
The new dugouts, with naming rights to principal sponsor Coastlands, were officially opened at the same function.
“As you can see the dugouts are a huge asset and they are the largest in the region,” said Mr Sowry who thanked Coastlands and Big Save Furniture for their invaluable support for the facility.”
Mr Sowry said the turf is recognised throughout the Wellington Region as a top class facility, with up to 1000 players using it every week during the winter months.
A large gathering of supporters helped celebrate the anniversary and Mr Sowry told them the Trust is very grateful to the community for their support to date and praised the efforts of trustees in bringing Stage One to a successful completion.
“We will be launching a concept for Stage Two – the construction of a pavilion including changing rooms, offices, social facilities and spectator seating.”
With an expected cost of $1-$1.5million, the Trust is now seeking financial support from KCDC and the local community. Once the pavilion is constructed it will be possible to host national and international tournaments. Mr Sowry says the benefits to Kāpiti of such a facility will be significant. “This is a chance for Kāpiti to really put itself on the map”, he says.
It is planned for construction to commence next summer with completion by the end of 2012.
Photo by Mike Stagg