Month: January 2010
For other than emergency calls: 0800 AMBULANCE (0800 42 62 85) Deaf emergency fax: 0800 16 16 10Deaf emergency textphone (TTY): 0800 16 16 16
KCDC Civil Defencence Emergency Plan…/KCDC-Civil-Defence-Emergency-Plan.pdf
Enviromental Pollution
Kāpiti 24 hour Pollution Service – Water, Air, and Land Pollution: 0800 496 734
Healthline: 0800 611 116
Animal Emergencies
Animal Welfare-To report animal welfare complaints: 0800 32 70 27 Department of Conservation-Whale stranding and Native Wildlife: 0800 36 24 68
Poisons and Hazardous Chemicals
For 24 hour poisons advice: 0800 76 47 66